The Business Case for Diversity and Inclusion 

Over 20 years of research demonstrates a correlation between diverse organizations and several measures of organizational success. Diversity is linked to employee satisfaction, improved governance, better financial results, attracting top talent and fostering innovation.  The costs of minimal diversity can include legal costs due to discrimination, loss of talent, and tarnished corporate reputations.  Our structured and customized approach can help corporations become leaders in DEI and ultimately reap the rewards of having a diverse and inclusive workforce.


A 2020 report by Catalyst identifies the following benefits of diversity and inclusion in the workplace:


·       Diverse organizations are more successful at recruiting and retaining talent.

·       Inclusive workplaces maximize talent and productivity.

·       Diverse teams are critical for innovation.

·       Diversity reduces groupthink and enhances decision making.

·       Inclusion boosts company reputation.

·       Boardroom diversity strengthens environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance.

·       Diversity is associated with improved financial performance.


*Catalyst, Quick Take: Why Diversity and Inclusion Matter (June 24, 2020).